I.C.O.P. - Online Resources - Alternative News Sept.1, 2007

Z-Communications - The spirit of resistance lives. Magazine, reports, etc.

Democacy Now! - Democracy Now!'s War and Peace Report provides our audience with access to people and perspectives rarely heard in the U.S.corporate-sponsored media.

Dahr Jamail's Mideast Dispatches - Independent news and photo coverage from Iraq.

BridgesTv - Purpose to build a dialog between 300 million Americans and 1 billion Middle Eastern & South Asian people.

Al-Jazeera (English) - First global English language news and current affairs channel with headquarters in the Middle East.

Islam Online - Islamic news, articles, and business.

Guerilla News Network - Underground organization working to expose people to global issues through guerrilla programming.

Islamica Magazine - Islamica Magazine is a full-color, 128-page glossy quarterly international magazine. Topics: Religion, Family, Mysticism, Law, Politics, History, Philosophy, Economics, Sociology, etc.

The M uslim Link - Monthly newspaper that provides a forum for people living in Central and Eastern Canada to read and write about issues concerning Islam and Muslims.



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